We can help you climb your financial mountain together

We’re dedicated to helping you reach your financial goals!

Since 2009, we’ve focused on listening to people’s dreams AND frustrations, and through this process of active listening have helped many understand what currently blocks them from taking their next steps toward financial freedom and God-honoring resource management. We would be honored to work with you to achieve similar goals!

Don’t underestimate the power of great coaching. The more you invest of your yourself to create the needed changes, the more likely you are to achieve godly financial goals. Or, as Dave likes to put it, being ‘gazelle intense’ is what it takes to make real, lasting changes in your finances. Anything less is just sight-seeing!

Let us help you climb your financial mountain!



Contact us today to set up a free thirty minute Zoom consultation to learn how we can help you organize and prioritize your financial resources and commitments, manage your resources each month based on your priorities, leave the valley of debt and overspending and generate options for the best route to reach your goals for lasting, godly opportunities. Are you ready to climb your financial mountain?



